Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Ethical Awareness Assessment Part 2

Ethical awareness assessment part 2

Q Your assignment is to: • (20 pts) Give an example of unethical business behavior (briefly describe what is going on). You can choose from the list in Ghillyer, p.25, or choose any example from the news, or invent your own hypothetical scenario of unethical business behavior. • (30 pts) LIST at least 3 stakeholders and explain how each is negatively impacted by the unethical behavior. See Ghillyer, p. 25, Figure 2.2, for an example listing WorldCom’s attempt in the 1990s to hide extensive debt and losses. Notice that Ghillyer LISTS the six classifications of stakeholders and the impact upon each stakeholder in that case. You are to do the same for your chosen example of unethical business behavior by LISTING at least three stakeholders and the negative impact upon each.

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• There is a biscuit manufacturing company in The United States named, “Ferrara Candy Company”. The company normally exports different kinds of biscuits and confectionary items to different countries worldwide. Besides being known for excellent confectionary manufacturing company, the company is also known for the “unfair treatment of its employees. The factory workers are discriminated against each other in perspective to race, gender, ethnicity and sex and even they are made to work in extreme work conditions wherein pregnant women’s are also involved; that is even the pregnant women are not provided with any kind of privilege ("The 5 Most Common Unethical Workplace Behaviors", 2018)